Retired Engineer and Recreation Staff Officer Mr. Micheal Platz took time to write us a nice letter. We have done several projects for the Forest Service and other government departments, and they’ve all been happy customers.
I worked for the U.S. Forest Service for 34 years and most of that time spent developing and maintaining the forest road system. The last 10-15 years we spent more and more time dealing with wood bridge replacements, rusted/undersized culverts and more so, trying to improve stream. conditions to allow for fish passage. At many sites, we were trying to fit arch culverts into streams that had very minimal clearance from high water line to road grade. Fishery folks wanted natural streambeds for the fish to move up and down the streams and we were working with very limited budgets. Some of the roads had very high use and were the main routes to recreation destination or use sites. Road closures were not welcomed and needed to be as short a time frame as possible. Well, does any of this sound familiar?
This is where Pacific Bridge and Construction Come in. Gene and Steve Copher have had their own construction Company for years and were on o(the contractors out there trying to accomplish the projects that had the issues as those mentioned. They completed projects on federal/state/county lands as well as private lands. They could see the need for a different type of structure to accomplish the goals of the landowners and gov’t agencies. They had this idea and went to engineer and Pacific Bridge Systems is now available to accomplish all the goals mentioned and more. In many cases, a Pacific Bridge can be constructed well under what a culvert pipe or box culvert can be constructed. Where a culvert must provide for the travel way and then extend out to the catch point of the fill, sometimes 50-80 feet, Pacific Bridge only needs to be 14- 20 feet depending on needed lanes. Guardrails can be added to either side, if needed. Some of the advantages I see in using the Pacific Bridge System are:
- It can have both a natural stream bed and riprap bank ( see brochure or photos for examples
- Can be installed very quickly, as all the components are pre-made, thus keeping road closure to a minimum.
- Since the deck is a max. 12” thick, the bridge can be constructed across streams with very little high water to road grade height.
- Do not need to excavate extra material to allow for building forms.
- No poring of concrete on site and no curing time needed.
- Must less staging area needed.
I think you owe it to yourself and the land to look into this alternative for your sites. If you desire a very high quality product for a low cost and at the same time everyone happy and proud, I think you will agree.
Michael E. Platz,
Engineering/Recreation Staff Officer (retired)
November 29, 2004